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Find out more information about and what it could do for you AND why it is recommended we take it?

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Learn more about foods that contain it and understand which foods offer a richer supply of this essential fatty acid.

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Take a closer look a the health benefits of taking this fatty acid supplement on a regular basis.

Welcome to Fish with Omega 3 Fatty Oil

A website dedicated to omega 3.

The benefits of fatty acids are widely accepted nowadays.

For those who are still in the dark about the numerous health benefits , take a closer look at our Site Map for a list of topics that are covered in our site.

These fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats and they are needed for the production of hormones in our body and cell structuring. Fatty acids cannot be produced by the human body, therefore you need to obtain it from your diet.

Omega 3 obtained from plants are called ALA. They must be converted to DHA for the body to use them. Due to various factors this conversion frequently is not feasible. Hence natural health experts recommend fatty fish oil, as it is naturally plentiful in DHA omega 3 content, as the preferred option to obtain essential EPA and DHA and fatty acids.

In general it is the deep, cold water fatty fish that tend to be high in acids. New Zealand, Hoki is high up the list togeather with chinook and pink wild Alaska salmon. Other fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are also rich in fatty acids. It is vitally important that you take fish, including fatty fish, 2-3 times every week. Fish high in fatty acids are among the healthiest foods you can consume.

Learn more about the types of fish.